
Saturday, June 21, 2014

Pregnancy vs. Growing Old

This post is probably not what you might think it's about. You're probably thinking that I'm going to talk about the difference between this pregnancy and my first pregnancy - when I was much younger. That might be an interesting topic, but that's not what I'm going on about today.

Today I want to say, I do not apologize for that stupid thing I may have said. I'm past my due date. And even when I wasn't full-term quite yet, I'd already lost my filter. Because that is what happens when I am pregnant. I become like that 80+ year old woman who just doesn't care anymore what people think. And I'm sure people think plenty. There is a reason my mother-in-law tried to convince my husband to attend Father's Day at her house this year without me.
pregnancy v growing old - not just the aches and pains via @lilmondu A Cloth Life

I do not hide my irritation. I no longer care how people at the midwives clinic perceive me when I complain at the front desk for the Nth time that they are running more than 20 minutes late again. I've lost my filter, and I've lost all empathy for those I've already lost any compassion for. It might be someone I love, it might be someone I am ambivalent about. It doesn't matter - the gloves are off when the hormones are this high. I may not be able to remember where I put my keys from one minute to the next, but I will remember that stupid thing you said in a futile attempt to make a joke that I didn't think was funny. At least through the end of the day. I'm harsh. I'm hyper-emotional. I am tired, and uncomfortable. I am at my worst.

I am, admittedly, a little bit ashamed when it comes down to it. And if I'm lucky (if we're ALL lucky), and if this time follows suit with my previous two experiences, then about two weeks after this little girl is finally born, I will return to a much more amicable person. Wish me luck.

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Friday, June 20, 2014

My Baby Girls

A few weeks ago, I took N (and G) to visit her new preschool for the first time. Up to this point, Early Intervention has been sending someone to our home to work with N. Next month, N will turn 3 and age out of the program. On her birthday, she will be enrolled in Early Childhood Special Education - part of the public school system.

Overall, she absolutely loved it. She loves the idea of school, and having her own school to go to (just like her big brother). A few things really struck me with this visit.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

My Experience at BabyFest NW: Portland

It's been well over a week since I went to BabyFest NW: Portland. If you were following #NWBabyShower on Twitter or the KidFest Facebook page, you're probably aware there's been some controversy over the event. Because I so adamantly promoted the event, I feel it's important for me to be completely open and honest on my opinions and experience. So I'm taking a page out of the DG recruitment handbook (that's a figure of speech), and going positive, negative, positive. It's always best to end on a positive note, right?
BabyFest NW: Portland Pros & Cons #NWBabyShower via @lilmondu
In the interest of full disclosure, I want to make it known that I was invited to be a VIP blogger for the event. This was well after I had already purchased my ticket and posted about it here on the blog. I declined the offer since I 1. already had a ticket that I'd happily purchased with my own money, and 2. I'm actively trying to scale back on obligations the closer I get to my due date.

Side note: I'm full term! This baby could come any time now - and I am so ready! Physically, at least.

Anyway, the reason I bring up the whole "VIP blogger" thing is because my name was left on the list for whatever reason. I want to be clear that I didn't get in earlier, I didn't get free tickets, I didn't get anything I didn't pay for out of my own pocket. This review/overview is entirely from my view as a paying attendee.

Also, this is a really long post, so consider yourself warned.

So here goes - POSITIVE
BabyFest NW: Portland Pros & Cons #NWBabyShower via @lilmondu

The vendors were amazing. There were more than a few that I was surprised NOT to see, but I honestly don't know where they would have put them. I loved seeing all the different products and talking with exhibitors. They were all extremely friendly, happy to answer question, and just great to visit with overall.

Just a FEW of my favorite booths that I spent time at were:
Northwest Mother's Milk Bank

There were so many more, but that could take an entire post on its own. Truly, though, the people representing these brands (named or otherwise) were fabulous.