
Thursday, November 26, 2015


It's Thanksgiving, and that means it's a great opportunity to take stock of the things in our lives we hold most dear and count ourselves most thankful for. That includes being thankful for the opportunity to help others.

This year marks Macy's 8th annual Believe campaign in partnership with Make-A-Wish. Inspired by the 1897 letter written by Virginia O'Hanlan asking the editor of the New York Sun if Santa Claus is real, Macy's encourages children today to believe as well - in Santa Claus as much as what he represents "love and generosity and devotion."
Macy's 8th annual Believe campaign - raising money for Make-A-Wish

Every year, I take my kids to Macy's where they can write and mail their letters to Santa. In return, Macy's donates $1 (up to $1 million) for each letter to Make-A-Wish. In total, Macy's has donated $90 million dollars, with $10.8 million coming from the letter writing campaign.