
Monday, July 16, 2012

The List: FSOT Pt. 2

Here is the infamous wish list of cloth diapers my husband would like me to burn and I would REALLY like to try.

bumGenius Elemental: an organic all-in-one
Swaddlebees One Size Simplex: an all-in-one using 100% cotton birdseye fabric
Imagine Baby One Size Bamboo fitted: an affordable bamboo fitted
S'bish Snapless fitted: organic bamboo/cotton terry fitted
Hemp Babies hemp flat: soft & absorbent hemp jersey made with organic cotton
Swaddlebees flats: great quality cotton flats with cute prints
GMD Cloth-eez Workhorse fitted: 100% cotton prefold turned fitted
bamboo terry flat: super soft and super absorbent
S'bish/Sloomb knit wool longies: high quality, breathable wool pants/diaper cover
Oeko Popo 2 cover: the newest take on the Oeko Popo PUL diaper covers
Geffen Baby fitted: a new cotton fitted that isn't even out yet!  (reminds me a little of the workhorse... we'll see)

And it's not like there aren't other diapers I would love to try. I just try to keep my list narrow enough that it can actually get smaller and not perpetually grow... although I've not been too successful thus far.

Do you have any suggestions of diapers using natural fibers you think I should try? You know I'm all ears!


  1. No suggestions, but have you used or researched training diapers??

    1. We never actually used cloth trainers, so I can't speak from personal experience on that yet. I bought a bunch of Gerber training pants (basically padded underwear) and used disposable Pull Ups for night and going out of the house. I probably should start looking into it at some point for N...

  2. I'm a natural fibers girl, too, and like this list! Have you looked into or used the Imse Vimse all in one? Not sure if the fleece would put you off, but this one is on my list to try.

    1. Thank you! I actually haven't tried any Imse Vimse and don't know much about their all in one. It sounds great, though! The fleece does not put me off. There are definitely times that I prefer a stay dry liner for N. I will for sure look into that one more!

  3. LOVE the Sbish snapless fitteds. We have three that we use for overnight.

    1. I've only heard good things about them so I'm hoping I get to try one soon!
