
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Tupperware, The Pampered Chef, Cookie Lee, and... Diapers?

One of the biggest choices parents have when first deciding to use cloth diapers is which one to choose. There are so many different options and so many differing opinions on which is best, it's overwhelming. You maybe know the big brands like bumGenius, fuzzibunz, Thirsties, and AppleCheeks all have great warranties. What good is that if the brand you choose doesn't work for your little one? And what about prefolds and flats? Pockets, all-in-ones, fitteds, hybrids, all-in-two's, snap-in-ones...

Seriously, (and speaking from experience) I'm pretty sure expectant parents have enough to worry about without investing hundreds of dollars into diapers that may or may not work. Like I've said before, we took a slow & easy approach, which meant using cloth only part time until we had enough of a stash built up to transition to full time use. Unfortunately, the nearest brick and mortar store that sells modern cloth diapers is over an hour from where we live. It wasn't particularly convenient for me to pop in just to check things out. Everything I bought, I bought online. The first time I would see a product in person, was when it arrived in the mail. Sad to say, this is pretty common for a lot of families. So, what other options do we have?
I found out much too late about diaper parties. Like Tupperware, Pampered Chef and other similar businesses, diaper parties bring the product into your home. You get to check out all the beautiful fluffiness in person in the comfort of your own living room (or patio, or whatever)! One company, Bubbalooch, mixes the in-home experience with an online storefront as well. And because Melissa is not just the owner but a "client" as well, she can tell you from first-hand experience how things work and help you out along the way.

While I'm not really in a position to host one of these fantastic parties at the moment (remember - I'm packing up my house as we speak), I'm thinking I might HAVE to get in on this new option once I'm settled. If you're in the Portland, OR area and you're interested in getting together with me for this - let me know! "The more the merrier" is always true when there are cloth diapers involved. ;-)

*Some affiliate links are included in this post & benefit myself & this blog when you purchase items through them.

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