
Friday, December 7, 2012

December Photo A Day: Pt. 1

We've all seen different photo-a-day type challenges on Facebook and Instagram (if you're on either). With the start of December, of course, came a fresh round. Well, ladies and gentlemen (I'm assuming I have male readers, although I've never actually heard from any), this time I'm taking part. Except, instead of daily posts to Instagram, I'll be doing weekly blog updates. Yaaay! (I'll pretend you're excited for this until I hear otherwise from each and every one of you.)

I found this particular one via a friend on Twitter who was posting via her Instagram account. If you're considering following me on Instagram, you'll be waiting a while as I have yet to jump on that bandwagon (despite the rave reviews).

So here's the challenge, created by @fatmumslim:

And here is my first week of December in iPhone photographs:
Day 1: 8 o'clock
the view while rocking N to sleep

Day 2: peace
my sleeping baby

Day 3: something you held
took a walk in the rain

Day 4: black and white
G's Christmas tree at night

Day 5: looking up
the view from an upstairs bedroom

Day 6: from where you live/country
the Christmas tree capitol of the world

Have you ever participated in a photo challenge? What was you favorite part?

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  1. I love the idea of doing these, but I never make it very long, lol.
