
Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy, Happy Birthday! #minispbdaybash Day 8 GIVEAWAY

Aww... Thanks Google! 

And thanks to all the random companies that have my birthday included in their listserv! 

I did have a happy birthday, and I have the Instagram posts to prove it.

But do you know who else has his birthday in March? Mini Spray Pal 2.0. If you don't know who that is (or why that's his nickname), you clearly haven't been involved in the cloth diaper community for very long.

The Spray Pal is one of THE most awesome innovations of modern cloth diapering I have encountered (and I'm on my second cloth diapered baby, right?). Jen, one of the inventors, very generously sent me one during my most recent pregnancy. It's a splash guard that holds your cloth diapers while you spray them off into the toilet. I've said this before, and I will say it again:

The more regularly E eats solid foods, the more grateful I am for Spray Pal. 

In our current situation, I don't have an actual diaper sprayer hooked up - I'm just using the detachable shower head, which is more than close enough. It gets a little tricky, though, trying to hose off a dirty diaper and NOT the entire bathroom. The Spray Pal is my extra hands. I love it.

Anyway, back to the point! Mini SP 2.0's birthday! He will be turning 3 later on this month, and he has overcome A LOT in his short life. I wrote a little about it last year that I definitely encourage you visiting here. To see his reaction to hearing his mom's voice for the first time after his cochlear implant was first turned on, you can watch this video on the Spray Pal youTube channel.

In celebration of this AMAZING little guy, his parents have organized this COLOSSAL giveaway. Each day, there are new fantastic prize packages, and you don't even have to be into cloth diapering to want to win them!

Today is Day 8, and the list of prizes is this: 

Entry is super easy - just use the Rafflecopter form below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck everyone! 
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