
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sunset at the Zoo: our latest trip to the Oregon Zoo

Recently, our family was given the opportunity to attend the final Sunset at the Zoo for the summer. This event is held regularly throughout the summer at the Oregon Zoo and includes super fun activities like live music, face painting, hula hoops, Disney princesses, and I can't even remember what else because it was so jam packed full of great things to do.

By popular request (or the demand of my 5 year old), we started our visit off with a trip on the zoo train. I grew up going to this zoo, but I'll admit I'd never been on this train before. It was like fulfilling a childhood dream... sort of. The kids loved it, and it was so fun to be able to take them on the train.

We had dinner on the lawn while listening to Mr. Ben perform. It was relaxing and way more fun than going to a regular restaurant. I wish I would have thought to pack a picnic like most of the families around us. It was so fun to watch the kids run around and dance while we all still managed to eat our dinner. AND I never felt like the kids being loud or active was bothering anyone. I guess that's part of what made it so relaxing - the kids could just enjoy being outside, and they enjoyed the fun music in their own way. If you follow me on Twitter (and you should), I'm sure you may have noticed all the Vines and pictures I was posting.
just sitting on a lion, what are you doing?

All the fun started at 5pm, but our tickets let us in an hour early, so we just walked around and enjoyed the zoo. I didn't think we'd stay the whole time, but we literally shut the park down. My kids were TIRED by the time we made it to the car. Seriously, N was saying "nigh-nigh bed" as I carried her out. She almost never says this. Usually it's "No nigh-nigh! No nigh-nigh bed!" I was glad I had my Onya with me, because she was not letting me put her down. Next trip to the zoo, I'm remembering the wagon. I don't mind carrying my kids, but it's hard when I'm also carrying all their stuff and mine. Every time family passed by with a wagon, I thought "Why did I leave the wagon at home?!!" Because, honestly, if I could have, both my kids would have been carried out to the car that night. Too. Much. Fun.
Sunset at the Zoo: Oregon Zoo
a quick photo of the concert as we were heading out - it looks much lighter out than it was

And because my husband came along for most of our visit, he was kind enough to put together this little video too!

What have you been doing as the summer winds down? School (KINDERGARTEN!) starts for us on September 6, and I may be freaking out just a little bit. 

Disclosure: We were given free admission and train tickets, but not compensated in any way for this post. All opinions and views are my own. 

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