
Friday, March 15, 2013

BMI and Running Updates!

Not a huge change in BMI from last week, but I have to confess - I had a few cheat days. I splurged for dinner on Wednesday and Thursday because my parents took us out for dinner. For my birthday. And then my brother's birthday. If you can't dip into your workout calories on your birthday, when can you? ;-)
original BMI
BMI end of week 2

I'm doing my best to keep running every day. It's easier now that it's not pouring rain all the time (I do live in the Pacific North West, so that's saying something.) I actually don't mind running in the rain so much as I hate being cold. But now that it's occasionally in the 50's (!!!!) for my runs, I'm almost feeling overheated at times.  Weird, right? But I am loving being a runner again.
about a mile into my regular route

 And for a little treat, I bought myself some athletic grade compression socks from ProCompression. These are NOTHING like the ones you may have worn during pregnancy (or maybe they are, in which case I'm completely jealous). I know you can get WAY less expensive compression socks that do the same thing, but these are so comfortable I just want to leave them on. Forever. But that would be gross... So I just need to buy some more.
pink argyle = my style
I wasn't sure if it was just gimmicky or hype, so I decided to take the plunge when they offered a 40% off w free shipping coupon. They aren't kidding when they say it will take you longer to get these socks on, but it is absolutely worth it. My feet felt lighter. That nagging injury that feels like my achilles is killing me actually feels like it's recovering. My calves are not sore. My feet are not sore. Can these be the only type of socks I own, please?

What has been your favorite fitness splurge? 
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