Monday, May 20, 2013

A New Side to the Blog, and Forget-Me-Nots

lesson on being kind and compassionate toward yourself - uchtdorf forget-me-nots

I've always made a point of keeping potentially controversial topics off the blog. Back in my sorority days, we referred to those as the three B's - beer, boys, and bibles. These days, it more refers to politics and religion. Lately, though, I've been feeling drawn more and more often to share messages with religious overtones. Honestly, though, I think these are messages that just about anyone could take benefit from. Hopefully, you'll agree.

There was a lesson at church recently that really touched me. It was based on a talk given years ago by Dieter F. Uchtdorf. There are five main points, as petals of the forget-me-not flower.
lesson on being kind and compassionate toward yourself - uchtdorf forget-me-nots

Forget not...

1. To be patient with yourself
There is no use comparing someone else's strong points to your weaknesses. I know I have a problem with this. When I see a woman in a gorgeous outfit, I assume they are always dressed with amazing style - whereas, I am not. I don't know how to discipline my children properly, I don't know how to sew well enough, I'm not a compelling enough writer... you see where I'm heading with this, right? Remember your small successes because they count too!

2. The difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice
An example of a good sacrifice might be waking up early to get in a good workout or getting up throughout the night to comfort a sick child. A foolish sacrifice might be staying out late partying (as if I were still in my partying days) when you have an important event, presentation, or meeting the next morning.

3. To be happy now
Do not let yourself fall into the trap of thinking "I would be happier if..." Also do not let yourself get into the habit of thinking "If only he..." or "If only she..." Happiness needs to begin within yourself and not rely solely on the actions of others. Look for the blessings in your life each day. Be grateful for all that you do have. A great exercise for this would be to start a daily gratitude list. You will be amazed how much you have to appreciate!

4. The why of the gospel
Even if you aren't a religious person, this is important. The purpose of the gospel is to teach and guide us because the Lord loves us. Remember why you do all that you do. Why do you help your kids when they're screaming they hate you? Why do you pick up the laundry your husband leaves lying everywhere in the house but the laundry basket? Why do you take the time to go running? I think you'll find a pretty compelling answer to those questions, which should also lead you back up to #3 of this post.

5. That the Lord loves you 
You are not forgotten. You are worth more than what you've done in your past. You are worth everything you could potentially do in the future as well.

I hope this message inspired you in some way. What are your favorite places to find inspiration when you're needing it? Do you find it helps you to get outside too? 

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